Meat Choppers being Knives
- This knife is made of high-quality German 420 stainless steel, resists rust, corrosion and discoloration, quickly re-sharpens, easy to clean and maintain. The handle is designed with a hollow structure for easy carrying and gripping. Suitable for everyday use in household kitchens, it will maintain its sharpness for a long time to help extend the tool's lifespan. The blade is angled for efficient use.
Designed to be multipurpose bone cutting knife for professional applications and it can be used for your daily kitchen tasks, this durable knife's razor sharp and laser-tested blade effortlessly chops, minces, slices and dices. It is suitable for both home and restaurant kitchens. - Sharpness is key to achieving the best cuts and this is evident in the kitchen knife's blade which is quite sharp and will remain this way even after tough tasks such as cutting tough all kinds of meat or removing flesh from bones. The sharpness is further boosted by use of the latest engineering.
- To make this cleaver knife more professional and minimize fatigue, finger numbness or pain after holding the meat knife continuously for a long period of time, the handle is ergonomically designed to give you a safe and comfortable grip that is not easy to slip and is sturdy and effortless.
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