Ice Making Machines
- The countertop ice maker machine holds up to 3.2 liters of water, minimizing how often you need to refill it. At the same time, you can also put in buckets of water less than 2 inches in diameter. You won’t worry there is not enough water to make ice cubes. Please clean your ice machine regularly.
- Excellent Ice Cubes & Reservation: Its countertop ice maker machine can produce 24 crystal clear ice cubes per cycle (every 12 to 18 minutes). That means you can make up to 44 pounds of ice cubes per day. Best of all, you can adjust the thickness of the ice cubes according to your needs, letting you create excellent drinks with solid cubes. The ice making reservation: You can set an appointment to make ice cubes with our counter ice maker machine.
- This ice machine holds an LCD display which makes the ice machine easier to use. Features an easy-to-read push-button digital design for comfortable use. Timer with up to 8-hour delay. Offers on-time ice production. When there is not enough water in the water tank, the indicator will light up, reminding you to add more water. Or when the ice bucket is full, the ice maker will remind you to remove the extra ice cubes, so the ice maker can start to make more ice.
- The material we use for the ice maker is Food-Safe and anti- corrosion. Therefore don’t be worry when you are using the countertop ice maker. Around 45db sound level won’t disturb you even your pets. What‘s more, you'll save more money while enjoying refreshing drinks at home instead of triping to the convenience store for ice any more.
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