Electric Pressure Cookers
- Smaller than typical multi-cookers, this compact machine is great for cooking meals for 3+ people and for smaller kitchens. It's versatile with multiple cooking modes yet takes up less space on the countertop.
- The pressure cooker has simple direct cooking modes. It pressure cooks, slow cooks on high or low, sautés, steams, or warm foods. Just choose your cooking mode and set the cooking time on the digital countdown timer.
- It has 2 heat settings ensures a gradual rise in temperature, for classic slow cooking results. Food doesn't overcook and slow cooker meals come out just the way you expect.
- The sauté button lets you add flavor to meals by browning and sautéing food right in the nonstick pot.
- With pressure cooking, you'll get dinner on the table faster than you ever thought possible. Prepare food up to 70% faster with pressure cooking in this pressure cooker.
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